miscellaneous winter
malasada gurl at the chinese new year street fair in the intl district.
ladies making malasadas.
the follwing several dark and blurry photos are from kevin's second birthday party. kevin not pictured.
a wild brain.
kevin faintly pictured.
happened to walk past this new building after all of the washing machines were dropped off.
"company car"
elliot went on a spree of seattle trips this winter. every time he had a hotel. everytime he crashed on my couch. it was great.
sifting through records in bellingham. this one is a print i did once upon a time when i had access to a dark room in 2018.
a boi gets a bath.
blakley and her broken wing. grandma subs in on the typing.
kyle tried to firecracker some stairs on an ice rink of an indoor park. he paid the price in stitches.